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My name is George William Nunda, I am a professional Certified Transformation Coach, an entrepreneur, and a pastor. Embracing Personal Development, Life Transformation Coaching and Business Strategist to empower people move from where they are to where they want to be.

One of the most asked Questions that I’ve been asked by my audience and It’s one of the Most Vaxing questions I’ve come across in most Books I’ve come across is,

Why and What am I here for?

What’s My Purpose?

How Can I achieve what I want to achieve?

Unfortunately, or fortunately, with me, I was on a different path since at a very younger age. The question I’ve asked myself over and over is,

Is This All There Is to Life?

I grew up from a very religious home,

But from the age of 11 years my ultimate goal and desire was, where to get Money to pay for my personal Next term’s school fees and requirements? What will I eat in the evening at home? How could I get a plate of food for the next day? How can I have a pair of shoes just to be like other Learners? And PRAYER was my only available option back then. I share this in detail in my 10 minutes personal testimonial video, You can request a Link to my Personal testimonial

Click here to Request!

It was from such background that at the age of 23 years, I had almost searched for This one Thing through all different religious beliefs, I lived in different countries with different people searching for one Thing: Is This All there is to Life? How can I move from where I was then to a Life better.

Until Few years ago, the universe opened up on my path to discover Transformational Life Coaching System which can truly set a person’s path to personal greatness. I share more information in a 90 minutes Free Discovery Coaching Program which you can register to attend either online or in Person for Free.  This program is worthy R2500 but available for FREE For a Limited time. The reason why it’s given FREE is because this is how the universe opened my Path and forwarding it to anyone interested is the little I can offer back.

The Missing Link!

I always felt that there was something missing – something that was not being taught to me directly from the society, religious cycles, something beyond the Four walls of the school classrooms I attended to.

As I reached my Youth years, I wanted to become truly successful in Life to avoid the pain and suffering and lack I grew up from, but at the same time due to my religious background, I wanted to bring something truly helpful and unique back to humanity and enrich other people’s lives too. Exploring Life Coaching System, I realized that how important it is to have a life coach with you, especially when your life is in a “tight spot” with regards to decision-making.

It was from this Life Transformation Coaching program that I learned The step by Step process to achieving our goals, What really stops humans from achieving there best, the daily rituals of successful people and what do successful people do to be and keep being successful different from poor me humans and How you can achieve whatever you set yourself to get in no time.

I’m here to help you save time, brainstorm, and get “unstuck” as you build up your Life and grow your business and work toward another level of success in your life!

And That is Why I am here and created this Life Coaching Program for you.

Think of me as your “secret weapon”… the possibilities for how I can help you are truly endless. You can start a conversation, ask questions, and share anything and everything about YOU so we can get to know each other – and then I’ll support you in reaching your next level of life and business as fast as possible.

I’d love to know more about you.

If You Connect With me via social media or Email, You’ll be getting messages from me very regularly and I don’t want us to remain strangers. I would Like to know about you and,

What are your dreams? Goals? Hope?

What do you truly want?

Why are you really here, Perusing Through my Profile?

If You desiring Change, Who are you doing this for?

Think this through before you begin this Transformation Journey.

Don’t be afraid to open your heart out.

Don’t be afraid to be honest with yourself.

You need to acknowledge your deepest desires before any manifestation can happen.

Join My Online Community for Encouragement and Support.

Need encouragement and support throughout Life Transformation adventure? Ask questions, make connections with others, and share your personal insights in our private Facebook page.

Click Here to Join Our Online Community Facebook family!

Here’s a Snapshot of What I Can Help You With!

I help individuals achieve audacious goals by using tools, Strategies, and methods that many successful people use to achieve their goals. Embracing Personal development strategies, Life transformation and Business Coaching techniques to empower people move from where they are to where they want to be.

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